Troywell VPN for Ukraine one-click access to any resource
Download and install Troywell, which will help change the IP, encrypt traffic and search history, remove blocking from favorite resources, make communication on the Internet safe..
- 100+ countries to connect to around the world
- No restrictions on operating time and traffic
- We only use real "white" IP addresses.
Available for:
- Chrome
- Microsoft Edge
- Opera
- Yandex Browser
Why do users in Ukraine choose Troywell?
Great speed
Troywell is #1 in terms of stability and connection speed. We don't artificially limit the connection speed - we don't need to do that, because all versions of the extension are free.
Masking servers
If access to media platforms is blocked in your country, the service will help you access them seamlessly. Connect through servers located all over the world and surf the Internet without being bound to the geolocation of your device.
Supports all major protocols
DNS servers protect traffic with end-to-end encryption. No one can steal our customers' confidential information.
High-speed servers
Content downloads through our servers are lightning fast. We have the fastest data transfer speeds for streaming content.
Why do I need a Ukrainian VPN?
Extension options:
- if you want to get to the site without being in Ukraine, you can choose a suitable server. Using the Ukrainian IP, you will be recognized by the system as a Ukrainian user;
- traffic and data will be securely encrypted – no one will know your passwords, bank details and phone numbers;
- the ability to view regional content without being blocked.
Get a VPN in 3 clicks
1. Download the extension from the official website
2. Install the service in a couple of minutes on your PC
3. Connect to a VPN in one click
How to use VPN in Ukraine?
If the country in which you are located has restrictions on access to web resources, then to download videos, music, go to an online game or communicate in a social network, you need to install a VPN.
How do I connect a VPN?
To replace the real IP with the Ukrainian one, you need to download, install and enable VPN. For example, if you are now in China, then to access the Ukrainian site, you need to enter it through the IP of Ukraine.
Connection algorithm
1. Install and install extension
2. Select a server with Ukrainian IP
3. Presence of connection activity
4. Go to the resource
Will the Internet speed through the Ukrainian VPN be slower?
Troywell's technology does not slow down the connection speed when you connect via VPN. At the same time, protection and encryption of client information - guaranteed! Download and install the service for free and enjoy fast and threat-free Internet.